Monday, May 7, 2007

Spider-Man 3 & Forgiveness

Recently I along with thousands of others flocked to the newest Spider Man movie. Don’t worry I won’t spoil any of it for those who have not seen it. Nor will I provide any critique of the film.

While watching the movie I was prompted to think about one of the recurring themes. The subject of forgiveness. A character in the film makes the statement to young Peter Parker about restoring a relationship which has been damaged. She says that Peter must first do the hardest thing, forgive himself.

I began to wonder. Could it be that many people have a hard time forgiving because they cannot forgive themselves? Or could it be that many people have a hard time forgiving because they have not experienced true forgiveness?

Check out Ephesians 4:32. Paul tells us that Christ models for us how to forgive. We are to then extend that same forgiveness to others. I believe that this is an amazing command. It is impossible to live out on our own. We are not capable of this type of forgiveness. Unless, we have experienced it first hand. Unless we have known this type of forgiveness from God as we confessed our sins and witnessed the miracle of God declaring us forgiven. When we experience this type of grace and mercy we are then able to extend it to others through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us.

Someone who does not feel forgiven will have a hard time forgiving others. After all, if they have to suffer so should every one else. This type of person holds on to their anger or hurt. They are unable to comprehend letting go and forgiving someone else. They do not want to give to others what they have been deprived. Unfortunately I think many Christians live this way. Even though they have experienced the greatest pardon they hold on to their bitterness.

What is needed is a reminder of the grace and forgiveness that God offers to sinners deserving eternal separation from Him. When we realize we have been forgiven. When we realize that God has canceled out our massive debt of sin. We can then extend same forgiveness to others. We can then forgive as Christ has forgiven us.


Mattalicious said...
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Mattalicious said...

Mattalicious said...

Matt's Take on Forgiveness

Forgiving yourself is not an easy thing. The ego thrives in the status quo. It will do whatever it can to keep you at the same level. It's a survival instinct. As long as nothing changes it thinks everything is cool. That's why you think things like "I don't deserve forgiveness." The fact is that you do...everyone does. There's no reason on this Earth that someone should not receive forgiveness from themselves while others do. Everyone else can give it to themselves and get it from why should you be any different? What good is it for you to hold on to whatever you did. All it is doing is holding you back from growing and moving on with your life. And your ego doesn't want you to do that. Cause it thinks that your safe where you are. You have to start thinking at some point that it's time to move on. And when you feel that thought of un-deservedness(I just invented that word) creep up tell your ego to stuff it. It's time to move on. Because believe it or not, God doesn't want you to be miserable. And a lot of times misery comes from bad things you can't seem to move away from. I know it's not easy. My mom died two years ago this June and I still haven't forgiven myself for not calling or visiting enough when she was alive. And you know if I could talk to her now and tell her what I feel like and why...she would tell me that no matter how much I visited or called her, that I would still feel the same way. And then she would tell me to stop being stupid, learn from it, and move on to a happier life.

So stop being stupid

Anonymous said...

Hey Dale! I found your blog and Tina's blog through Michelle. I'm adding you to my list of friends! I'm glad I can keep up with your family through your blogs! :)
Cari Downie